Wasn’t Te Matatini ki te Ao fabulous!


An awesome display and experience of Māori success, Māori excellence, Māori leadership, and whānau ora – both on and off the stage!

I was soooo pleased I went.

I almost didn’t.

And I’m not sure why I thought I couldn’t go?

Sometimes I think I’ve made a lot of progress with all this work on myself and then sometimes when I’m not looking, my old way of thinking kinda just pops up.

I used to be an “all or nothing” kinda person.

And I had it in my mind that I wasn’t going to Te Matatini even though Westpac Stadium is just down the road from my place!

You see it clashed with my daughter’s birthday and it’s whānau first for me.

My “all or nothing” thinking came from I either attend the whole four days or not go at all.

Crazy – right!

I only decided on the Monday before the event to go.

I checked in with my boss (me) to see if it was ok to have Thursday off work, (I don’t work Fridays anyway), put the two days down as marketing and networking, bought tickets, and had a wonderful time being entertained, networking, and spending too much money.

And I still got to spend Saturday with my beautiful kōtiro and whānau.

So, my message to you is to be vigilant about changes in your life as you will be constantly tested.

By the way, thank you for your comments and feedback. I always enjoy and appreciate hearing from you. I always listen and where possible, I take on board your suggestions. Recently, I’ve received a few requests for audio recordings of my emails and blogs. I’d been thinking about starting a podcast but it’s such a big commitment that I really need to think it through. In the meantime, I’ve uploaded some of my blogs and emails, including this one, to SoundCloud.

Go HERE to listen.





P.S. Kia Tū Teitei Monthly update: During March and April we will be releasing weekly leadership development training, including how to find your voice, stepping into your purpose, and the secret to more powerful connections. JOIN HERE.


Also, the next iWahine Leadership Hui will be held in Wellington on 17-18 October 2019.